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implementing throttling in javascript with explaination

ยท 2 min read
Parth Maheta

Certainly! Throttling is another technique used in JavaScript to control the rate at which a function is invoked, but it ensures that the function is called at most once in a specified amount of time. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to limit the frequency of function calls, such as handling scroll events or resizing.

Let's implement a simple throttling function:

function throttle(func, delay) {
let isThrottled = false;

return function (...args) {
if (!isThrottled) {
// Invoke the function

// Set a throttle to prevent further invocations until the delay has passed
isThrottled = true;

setTimeout(() => {
isThrottled = false;
}, delay);

In this implementation:

  • func is the function we want to throttle.
  • delay is the minimum time (in milliseconds) to wait before allowing the function to be invoked again.

Here's an example of using the throttling function:

// Simulate a function that logs messages to the console
function logMessage(message) {

// Throttle the logMessage function with a delay of 1000 milliseconds
const throttledLog = throttle(logMessage, 1000);

// Simulating frequent calls
throttledLog("Message 1"); // Will log "Message 1" to the console

// In the next 1000 milliseconds, further calls will be ignored

// After 1000 milliseconds...
throttledLog("Message 2"); // Will log "Message 2" to the console

In this example, the logMessage function is throttled with a delay of 1000 milliseconds. If you call throttledLog multiple times within that time frame, the function will only be invoked once, and subsequent calls will be ignored until the delay has passed.

Throttling is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to limit the execution of a function, especially for events like scrolling or resizing, where rapid and frequent function calls might be detrimental to performance.