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Breaking Down Hoisting In Javascript For Beginners

· 2 min read
Parth Maheta

Imagine a Party

Imagine a party where everyone announces their names as they arrive. But sometimes, the most excited guests shout their names before they even walk in the door! That's kind of like how hoisting works in JavaScript.

What is Hoisting?

  • Hoisting is a JavaScript feature that lifts declarations to the top of their scope before any code runs.
  • This means you can use variables and functions before they're technically defined.

Think of It Like This:

  • var and function declarations are like excited guests shouting their names early.
  • let and const declarations are like polite guests who wait until they're inside.

Why is Hoisting Important?

  • Use variables and functions before defined: Handy, but be careful.
  • Reordering code might not change outcome: Declarations are hoisted.
  • Use let and const for clarity: Avoid surprises and make code predictable.


  • Hoisting is like a pre-party announcement.
  • Use it wisely to prevent unexpected behavior.

Bonus Tip:

  • Imagine the party entrance as the scope (function or entire script).
  • Everyone inside the scope can hear the announcements (declarations).

Additional Notes for Beginners:

  • Scope: The area of code where a variable or function is accessible.
  • var: Function-level scope, hoisted, can be reassigned and redeclared.
  • let: Block-level scope, hoisted but not initialized, can be reassigned.
  • const: Block-level scope, hoisted but not mutable (can't be reassigned).

I hope this explanation makes hoisting a little less confusing for you!